Friday, August 21, 2015

How many Pounds in a Bushel

U.S. Commercial Bushel Sizes

Data from the University of Missouri's Agricultural Publication G4020, by William J. Murphy, Department of Agronomy.
Weight per bushel (lb)
Clover, Alsike60
Clover, Crimson60
Clover, Ladino60
Clover, White60
Clover, Red60
Clover Sweet60
Corn, shelled56
Corn, ear70
Grass, Brome (smooth)14
Grass, Blue14
Grass, Fescue (tall)14
Grass, Orchard14
Grass, Redtop14
Grass, Timothy45
Sorghum, forage50
Sorghum, grain56
Sudan grass28
Sunflower (oil type)24-32
Trefoil, Birdsfoot60
Fruits and Vegetables
Data from the Georgia Farm Bureau (including earlier versions no longer online). The Bureau states, "These weights are based on federal standards and can be used as general guidelines when purchasing these commodities in bushel quantities."
 CommodityWeight per bushel  CommodityWeight per bushel
Apples40 lbs.Mustard Greens18 lbs.
Lima Beans (unshelled)30 lbs.Onions57 lbs.
Green or Waxed Beans30 lbs.Peaches50 lbs.
Snap Beans30 lbs.Field Peas25 lbs.
Shelled Corn56 lbs.Sweet Potatoes (green)55 lbs.
Corn (in ear)35 lbs.Sweet Potatoes (dry)50 lbs.
Cowpeas60 lbs.Spinach20 lbs.
Cucumbers48 lbs.Tomatoes53 lbs.
Eggplant33 lbs.Turnips (without tops)54 lbs.
Field Peas (in hull)25 lbs.Turnip Greens (dry)16 lbs.
Muscadines50 lbs.Turnip Greens (wet)18 lbs.
Okra26 lbs.Squash40 lbs

Data taken from


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