Friday, December 18, 2015

Medical Plants Worth Growing

A few plants I found that are a good for medical needs:
  • Aloe Vera (treat burns and skin problems)
  • Barberry (antibiotic, fever reducer, laxative)
  • Blackberry leaves (mucus reduction, fever reducer, sore throat, diarrhea remedy)
  • Calendula/Pot Marigold (antibiotic, disinfects and accelerates wound healing, fever reduction)
  • Cayenne Pepper (blood pressure regulation, ulcers, mucus reduction, controls bleeding)
  • Chamomile (anti-inflammatory, blood thinner, anti-spasmodic, relieves digestive ailments, stress reduction, sleep aid)
  • Comfrey (accelerates bone and tissue growth, reduces inflammation, expectorant)
  • Dandelion (reduces stomach upset, liver tonic, diuretic)
  • Echinacea—cone flowers (antibiotic, immune-stimulant, anti-viral, reduces inflammation, pain killer, treats septicemia and gangrene)
  • Feverfew – (anti-inflammatory, used to treat arthritis and migraines, control dizziness, nausea and vomiting)
  • Garlic (antibiotic, immune stimulant, regulates blood pressure)
  • Lemon Balm (anti-viral, anti-histamine, treats cold sores, sleep aid, relaxant, soothes stomach discomfort)
  • Mallow (anti-inflammatory, treats bronchitis, healing agent for wounds and gangrene)
  • Mint—peppermint or spearmint (sooths stomach discomfort, stimulant, antispasmodic)
  • Mullein (expectorant, used to treat respiratory infections)
  • Oregon Grape (antibiotic, fever reducer)
  • Plantain (anti-inflammatory, healing agent for wounds, draws out toxins/venoms, diuretic)
  • Valerian (relaxant, sleep aid)
  • Yarrow (controls bleeding topically and internally, antimicrobial, pain reliever, fever reduction)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Nutrient Dense Food Chart

I found these charts on

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Consequences of HEMP or High Altitude EMP

In my search for self reliance I've come across what is called the HEMP. This is when a nuclear weapon is detonated high above the earth probably 200 miles. I was able to find these below listed scenarios from The Association of Civil Defense. You know, that old government program from the cold war. Well, as it turns out you can't find Civil Defense offices anymore. Even though their knowledge is still important, relevant, good and necessary.

While thinking about how I can become more self-reliant and independent below you will find some basic scenarios and consequences for not being prepared.

Consequences of a HEMP Possible Effects.

  • No potable drinking water
    • Thirst, Disease, Death
    • Possible Solutions: Water filter, water storage, iodine tablets, water purification, boil water
  • No food 
    • Hunger, Illness, Death
    • Possible Solutions: Collect seeds, practice growing food, gardening, chickens, food storage (2 year supply needed because it can take 2 years for the ground to be good to plant after nuclear fallout), 
  • No Power to cook or refrigerate food
    • Hunger, disease
    • Possible Solutions: backup generator (temporary fix), solar power, steam engine, 
  • No sanitation system 
    • Filth, Disease 
    • Possible Solutions: waste bucket, build an outhouse, burn garbage, sanitation wipes, boil things, wash hands, homemade soap, homemade detergents, 
  • No furnace or air conditioning 
    • Discomfort, death 
    • Possible Solutions: wood burning stove, insulate your home, relocate to better climate, geothermal heater, greenhouse
  • No lights 
    • Fear, Danger 
    • Possible Solutions: matches, flash lights, batteries, candles, led lights with minimal power usage
  • No Communication System 
    • Frustration, anxiety, danger 
    • Possible Solutions: radio, hand radio, 
  • No transportation 
    • Isolation 
    • Possible Solutions: bike, bike trailer, old car or truck, 
  • No emergency medical system
    • Illness, Disease, Death
    • Possible Solutions: community driven medical, medical supplies, medical books, first aid kits, 
  • No Police
    • Crime, Danger, Injury 
    • Possible Solutions: arm your self, isolate your self, 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Seed Companies Not Selling any Monsanto Seeds

Below is a list of seed companies who do not sell Monsanto Seeds as far as I can tell.

Amishland Seeds
Annapolis Valley
Baker Creek 
Heirloom Seeds
Burpee Seeds
Heritage Seed Company (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Diane’s Flower Seeds
Ed Hume Seeds
Garden City Seeds
Heirlooms Evermore Seeds
Heirloom Seeds
Heirloom Organics
Horizon Herbs
Johnny’s Seeds
Landreth Seeds
Lake Valley Seeds
Livingston Seeds
Local Harvest
Mountain Rose Herbs
Organica Seed
Park Seeds
Sand Hill Preservation Center
Seeds of Change (Owned by Mars Inc.) But GMO Free.
Southern Exposure
Sustainable Seed Co
Territorial Seeds
Tiny Seeds
Uprising Seeds
Virtual Farm Seed Co
Wildseed Farms

Seed Companies Owned by Monsanto or Sells Monsanto's Seeds

Seed Companies who are either owned by Monsanto or sell Monsanto products.
Audubon Workshop
Breck’s Bulbs
Cook’s Garden
Dege Garden Center
Earl May Seed
E & R Seed Co
Ferry Morse
Flower of the Month Club
Gardens Alive
Germania Seed Co
Garden Trends
Jung Seed Genetics
Lindenberg Seeds
McClure and Zimmerman Quality Bulb Brokers
Mountain Valley Seed
Park Bulbs
Park’s Countryside Garden
R.H. Shumway
Roots and Rhizomes
Seeds for the World
Seymour’s Selected Seeds
Spring Hill Nurseries
T&T Seeds
Tomato Growers Supply
Totally Tomato
Vermont Bean Seed Co.
Wayside Gardens
Willhite Seed Co.
American Seeds
De Ruiter
Diener Seeds
Fielder’s Choice
Gold Country Seed
Heritage Seeds
Hubner Seed
Kruger Seeds
Lewis Hybrids
Rea Hybrids
Stone Seed
Western Seeds