Saturday, May 17, 2014

Building the Fence

Here is an update of the fence project. I hired a local landscaper guy to dig all my holes for posts. He charged $5 dollars a hole. Great deal!

Each hole was about 12 inches in diameter and 2.5 feet deep. This way I could add dirt to the hole to adjust height instead of trying to dig dirt out. Much easier this way.

I used string as a guide to help me make a straight line. I used a string on top for post height and one on the bottom side for the straight line. worked pretty well. I kept all post approximately half inch to an inch from the string.

Setting the post in a straight line. Look how perfect this is. I used 2x4's to keep the post perfectly level while the concrete cures. Each hole took about 2, 80 pound bags of concrete.



  1. Looks great! Nothing like a little old fashion fence building to make you feel like a man!!! HaHa Love ya Kyle!

  2. The drawing called for the fence to be set back 2' from the curb. Rolling out the tree fencing can be awkward; we found that it is easiest to roll out the fence material and attach it with a staple along the top rail every 8' or so to start, then come back and attach the bottom and add staples anywhere the fence does not sit tight to the horizontal member. aluminum gates

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