Friday, August 21, 2015

Mineral Deficienies in Plants

Nitrogen - When a plant is nitrogen deficient the plant will have a unhealthy yellowing look about it. The lower leaves with curl, wilt and die. Nitrogen deficiency will product limited fruit.

Phosphorus - When a plant is phosphorus deficient it will appear thin and stringy. the trunk will be thin and stretched.

Potassium - A lack of potassium in plants have many signs. One sign is the brown spotting under the leaves. Another is spotting on the bottom of fruit.

Calcium - Calcium is critical in root development. If roots don't develop it is because a lack of calcium. You should add calcium before every planting. Gypsum is good for areas with limited rain fall as rainfall will dilute the calcium already in the earth.

Boron -

Sulfur -

Zinc - A lack of zinc will cause leaves to be tiny, much tinier than normal leaves.

Iron -

Chlorine -

Manganese -

Magnesium -

Copper -

Molybdenum - 

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