Thursday, December 10, 2015

Consequences of HEMP or High Altitude EMP

In my search for self reliance I've come across what is called the HEMP. This is when a nuclear weapon is detonated high above the earth probably 200 miles. I was able to find these below listed scenarios from The Association of Civil Defense. You know, that old government program from the cold war. Well, as it turns out you can't find Civil Defense offices anymore. Even though their knowledge is still important, relevant, good and necessary.

While thinking about how I can become more self-reliant and independent below you will find some basic scenarios and consequences for not being prepared.

Consequences of a HEMP Possible Effects.

  • No potable drinking water
    • Thirst, Disease, Death
    • Possible Solutions: Water filter, water storage, iodine tablets, water purification, boil water
  • No food 
    • Hunger, Illness, Death
    • Possible Solutions: Collect seeds, practice growing food, gardening, chickens, food storage (2 year supply needed because it can take 2 years for the ground to be good to plant after nuclear fallout), 
  • No Power to cook or refrigerate food
    • Hunger, disease
    • Possible Solutions: backup generator (temporary fix), solar power, steam engine, 
  • No sanitation system 
    • Filth, Disease 
    • Possible Solutions: waste bucket, build an outhouse, burn garbage, sanitation wipes, boil things, wash hands, homemade soap, homemade detergents, 
  • No furnace or air conditioning 
    • Discomfort, death 
    • Possible Solutions: wood burning stove, insulate your home, relocate to better climate, geothermal heater, greenhouse
  • No lights 
    • Fear, Danger 
    • Possible Solutions: matches, flash lights, batteries, candles, led lights with minimal power usage
  • No Communication System 
    • Frustration, anxiety, danger 
    • Possible Solutions: radio, hand radio, 
  • No transportation 
    • Isolation 
    • Possible Solutions: bike, bike trailer, old car or truck, 
  • No emergency medical system
    • Illness, Disease, Death
    • Possible Solutions: community driven medical, medical supplies, medical books, first aid kits, 
  • No Police
    • Crime, Danger, Injury 
    • Possible Solutions: arm your self, isolate your self, 

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