Friday, February 21, 2014

Medium Sized Organic

Today I had the opportunity to visit with a group of people about the topic of organic growing. Something I found was that people really don’t understand what this means for business, community and healthy living. I wish to address this topic with some hypothesis on the subject.

Medium Sized Organic vs. Large Corporate and Processed (non-organic)
1.     I believe that an Organic Tomato contains more nutrients than it Non-Organic comparison. Because of this I believe that when you eat the Organic Tomato you will be more satisfied than if you ate the Non-Organic "Wal-Mart" version. I believe your body is continually thirsting after nutrients and when eating Organic foods you fulfill that thirst and hunger more effectively. If you only eat processed foods containing modified (manipulated) nutrients your body does not only starve but is continually hungry, thus causing obesity.

2.     I believe that the cost associated with producing 1 tomato traveling thousands of miles to sell it is more expensive than growing that one tomato and then selling it within a few miles. The idea behind going global with a business that was never meant to be scalable is crazy. The laws of efficiency and complexity reduction in business would suggest that grow local and sell local is not only cost effective but nutrient effective and less complicated in nature. The Business of growing food on a global market increases complexities like:

a.       Global food shortages
b.      Energy waste
c.       Pesticide resistant insects
d.      Unnatural Mono cultural environmental influences
e.      Poly culture destruction
f.        Exportation of local economies
g.       Supply Chain complexities
h.      Legal infighting among farmers and seed producers

3.     I believe that medical problems like cancer, tumors, heart disease… would decrease when food creation becomes localized organic. Think about it. Science has found consumption of caffeine leads to headaches. What is the cure you ask? More Caffeine! I believe the same logic would apply to tumors. What are some elements found in tumors? Pesticides. The reason is because the body doesn’t know where to put those pesticides after we consume it in our food. Thus causing certain types of tumors. Then we fight those tumors with chemotherapy “another form of pesticide” targeting the body. We like to think that pesticides will simply leave our body as waste but sometimes it becomes our body. We are what we eat.

In short, I believe that we can cure our economy, families, bodies, and land by farming Medium Size Organic. I am not currently living these standards but am striving to do so. God Speed.

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