Monday, February 24, 2014

Organic Store Bought… Is it Really?

Big business wants us to think they are organic. For example, some grocery items that clearly are not organic will show pictures of the old school simple farm, trying to give the perception of organic when in reality they are nothing of the sort.

How can you know if something is good quality? (The Less or More Principle)

Less is more has been a good aid to me while shopping at the local grocery store, Wal-Mart, Target, Good Earth… Looking at the ingredients can help to simplify your selection. Try looking at the ingredients of Great Value Sour Cream vs. Daisy Sour Cream. You will know what I mean when you see it. One has many ingredients that you can’t even come close to pronouncing and the other has one.

Egg Production in the USA

In today’s market we see a wide selection of eggs. We see organic, white, brown, free range… This is another very easy area to make the public believe that eggs in the super market are not created equal and that one is better than the other. Don’t believe the garbage they are feeding us. Even the Organic Eggs are not great from the super market. Think about it. These large egg producing companies have thousands of birds under one roof, who never see sunlight. They switch out their hormone rich feed with “Organic Certified Feed” and call it good. The thousands of birds still never see sunlight. They still get their beaks cut off and they still have no room to scratch. These eggs are NOT organic how we perceive organic to be. Who writes the laws? Big Business. Even the laws around what organic is. Money, drives what society believes is happening and money drives government and money gives power to the few who have it. Why is it that small farmers have such a hard time going through the “Organic Process”? Nearly bankrupting some of them. It’s because the government works for the people, Not! They work for the next re-election dollars. Big Business writes the law and the rules. This eventually cripples smaller True Organic players from even making it into the Big Boy Playground.

The only way to real organic is by purchasing local or raise your own, Build your earth and by building organic focused communities. Most people will never be able to raise all their own food, raise all their own meat or sustain this lifestyle on their own. Communities are essential to self-sufficiency.

Help me know what I’m Missing by Commenting Below.

1 comment:

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