Wednesday, March 19, 2014

First Tulips of the Season

A few days ago we saw our first tulips coming up.

We planted 24 dozen last fall!

Did you know? That tulip bulbs are edible and that you can eat them, but be careful, some people get really sick eating the bulb and may have to go to the hospital. I quoted below for your benefit.

"Tulip bulbs are a famine food, and they must be prepared correctly, that is the centers must be removed. Fortunately tulip petals are more edible. The petals can be eaten raw or cooked but loose much of their color when cooked. They can have many flavors: Bland, beans, peas, and cucumbers. Pink, peach and white blossoms are the sweetest, red and yellow the most flavorful. While you can use them to garnish salads their more common use is to hold appetizers or dip. If you use the entire blossom cut off the pistil and stamens from the center of the blossom. The ends of the petals can also be bitter so cut them off as well when used individually."

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