Monday, March 17, 2014

The First Step of Financially Preparedness is...

When the market and economy collapse you don’t want to get kicked out of your home by the mortgage company. People will often tell you, if you have a mortgage payment of 3% and you can get an 8% return in the market than don’t pay off your mortgage.

Any financial advisor will do the math and tell you, you will make 5% more on your money by not paying off your mortgage and you will be losing 5% if you do pay off your mortgage. This makes total, complete, and economic sense on paper but in real life you could be digging your grave early. The first and best thing to do is to retire your debt.

There are so many things you can’t control. Investing your money is good, but when you are hoping for the best and preparing for the worst you need to be debt free. You backyard homestead can and will be taken away if you can’t pay for it. The security of being debt free can’t be measured in dollars.

The last thing a backyard homesteader should have to stress and worry about it is:
  • What the fed is going to do next?
  • What’s the market going to do next?
  • If inflation is coming or interest rates are changing.
Homesteading is early retirement. You still work hard and have a great time doing it. If your homestead is paid for, all you have to worry about is energy and food. But if your homestead is not paid for then you must worry about all the other garbage in the country.

Please don’t think that you have to own the land and the house before you can homestead. Still do it now, take the money you will save from growing your own food and use it towards you mortgage.

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