Thursday, March 6, 2014

Food Storage is Great, but a Living Storage is Better

Procrastination is the enemy of action. Watching the news, reading the paper and even visiting with neighbors constantly reminds me to be self-reliant. In my search for self-sufficiency, I have discovered a different idea of sustainability. People believe that if they have food storage they can withstand the trials of life (unemployment…). They are right; we can prepare ourselves for those inconvenient times where we just don’t have the means.

The type of self-sufficiency that is on my mind is more of a living idea instead of a food storage (stagnant) idea.
What if we could grow our own food, not just collecting food storage but, having something that can subsidize your life in the present, not just for some future trial? What if we could better understand how to create food, how to grow it, how to cook it? We would be better off if we understood.

Build your knowledge of self-sustainability by developing the systems that can help sustain life. Not relying so much on the grocery system for survival. Why wait for the trial before you set up the process. You can do it now while the going is good, while you have employment, and while you have the ability to prepare. In time of great need, the government won’t be there for you. If a natural disaster, war or even an Solar Flare does happen, government will be to concerned about the welfare of their own families to respond to the needs of yours, and rightly so.
Here are a few projects that everyone should think about doing:
  1. Water Collection System / Rain Harvesting System
  2. Buy a wood burning stove "heat for your house"
  3. Grow food instead of a lawn "at least in the backyard"
  4. Raise egg laying chickens
  5. Have a beehive
  6. Have fruit and nut trees

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